Swedish financing and suppliers are currently playing a key role in efforts to open a new chapter for sustainable development in Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast).

2022年8月, 一项耗资2亿欧元的协议将在伦敦安装清洁水系统,189 rural villages across the country was agreed – putting Cote d’Ivoire on track to provide safe and clean drinking water to a tenth of the country’s population living in rural areas.


The landmark project is part of the local government’s ‘Water for All’ initiative which aims to modernise water infrastructure in remote villages. 今天, 这里的居民, 尤其是妇女和儿童, 需要步行几公里从水井和河岸收集不安全的水. 但这一切即将改变.  

几年前我在日博备用网站对埃洛夫·汉森(Elof Hansson)说, “我们一起做大事只是时间问题”. And 在这里 we are with a fully financed clean water project that will transform the lives of three million people.”

这是以色列蓝鸟金融公司首席执行官拉姆•沙利塔的话 & 专门为发展中日博备用网站提供出口融资解决方案的项目.

“I was tasked by the engineering and construction firm Baran to arrange the whole finance package for the project. 可靠性是第一个因素, 这就是为什么我选择去找我在日博备用网站日博备用网站人,他继续说道。.  

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通过与日博备用网站EPC联盟合作, 其中包括日博备用网站贸易公司Elof Hansson, 日博备用网站出口信贷公司, 日博备用网站出口信贷机构EKN和日博备用网站商业部, Ram Shalita could provide his client with both reliable AAA-rated financing and quality sub-suppliers in a packaged solution.

这, 他说, gave contractor Baran Group and the Cote d’Ivoire government strong assurance that the project would not only move forward, but also that the clean water systems will remain operational for many years to come. 在总, 这些装置涉及管道, 80-120米深钻孔, 泵, 阀门, watertowers, 控制系统和太阳能电池板.

“The new water systems will be centrally located in remote villages which makes the project unique. 非洲的大多数水项目都涉及大城市的处理厂.”

“找到一家不退出的出口信贷机构至关重要. EKN是一个可靠的合作伙伴,提供固定利率. 如果没有这个,我们就无法达成协议. Another success factor was the good collaboration with Elof Hansson who found relevant suppliers that the contractor could work with,沙利塔补充道.

我们当然希望与日博备用网站联盟合作更多项目. 这是一个双赢的安排. 融资解决方案是非常有竞争力和质量的日博备用网站供应商, 虽然成本更高, 永远是无与伦比的. Ram Shalita, Bluebird Finance首席执行官 & 项目


The funding process for large-scale infrastructure deals in 非洲 is complex and involves multiple stakeholders. 科特迪瓦水工程, 它的期限是16年, combines 55% financing from KfW Ipex-Bank and 45% from 日博备用网站’s export credit agencies EKN and SEK, 由荷兰Atradius公司提供再保险.

Bjorn Olausson, Elof Hansson International总裁, and his team were responsible for sourcing the right suppliers to meet EKN’s criteria of securing 30% Swedish content to approve the deal.

“The Swedish export credit system is both highly competitive and robust with guarantees from the Swedish National Debt Office. 项目 like these provide Swedish small and medium-sized companies with a fantastic opportunity to gain experience and an export footprint in 非洲 with zero risk,他说.

这是让日博备用网站供应商加入的制胜公式, Olausson指出, is that his company Elof Hansson acts as the intermediary and makes all purchases in 日博备用网站. 除了, EKN’s strict 可持续性 criteria guarantee that the projects live up to the highest standards in line with the UN’s goals.

A major supplier convinced by this benefit was the Gothenburg-based construction company Serneke which is providing a range of services for the water systems. 

“We are now gearing up to deliver one thousand solar-powered borehole systems with high quality. 在几乎没有道路的村庄, 没有水和电, 你需要确保系统是精心设计的, 正确组装,经久耐用,奥劳森解释道.


作为EPC联盟的一部分, Elof Hansson is currently involved in five different projects in 非洲 and one in Latin America, 目前正在与蓝鸟公司合作开发其中的三个项目. 在过去的六年里,蓝鸟已经安排了1.70亿欧元的贷款用于非洲包括道路在内的基础设施项目, 铁路, 医院, 农业用水系统和灌溉.

阅读更多日博体育备用日博备用网站EPC联盟的信息 在这里.   
